Wild Rose (2)
Woods' Rose
Rosa woodsii
Rose (Rosaceae)
Wild Rose, Mountain Rose
Photo taken on:
July 7, 2004
Almont, CO
Life Zones:
Plains to subalpine
Habitat: Along
streams, open pine forests, roadsides
A shrub growing 2 to 6 feet high forming dense thickets with prickly stems. The flowers
are about an inch across and usually grow in clusters and are fragrant. Color can range from pale
pink to deep rose.
The sepals below the flower are short and narrow.
The fruits of the Wild Rose are known as rose hips and are edible after several frosts. The hips of Woods' Rose are 1/3" to 1/2" across, those of the Nootka Rose are larger.
Photo taken on:
September 2, 2005
Almont, CO
Flora of North America reference.
Rose (Rosaceae)
Wild Rose, Bristly Rose
Photo taken on:
July 11, 2010
FS RD 586, Taylor Canyon, GV, CO
Life Zones:
Montane to subalpine
Dry slopes and roadsides
A shrub growing 2 to 10 feet high, often in thickets, with a pair of thorns at the base of the leaves. The flower is about 2" across and blooms singly. The sepals below the flower are as long as the petals. It is fragrant and can range from pale to deep pink.
Flora of North America reference.