Engelmann Spruce
Picea engelmannii
Pine (Pinaceae)
White Spruce, Mountain Spruce
Photo taken on:
June 16, 2007
Copper Creek Trail, GV, CO
Life Zones:
Montane to subalpine
Dry, north-facing slopes
Grows to over 100ft. Can be confused with Colorado Blue
Spruce because new growth is also blue. Bark on mature trees is scaly and cinnamon colored.
Above tree-line Engelmann Spruce are
stunted by wind, snow and intense sun. They are known as krummolz (German
for 'crooked wood') and banner trees (trees with limbs only on the leeward side).
Cones are less than 2" long and dark tan. The cones of Colorado Blue Spruce are up to 4" long and are a pale tan in color, as can be seen in the picture below.
Flora of North America reference.