Rock Jasmine (2)

Androsace septentrionalis

Rock Jasmine
Androsace septentrionalis

Family: Primrose (Primulaceae)
AKA: Northern Fairy Candelabra, Pygmyflower Rockjasmine
Photo taken on: May 9, 2004
Location: Almont, CO
Life Zones: Foothills to alpine
Habitat: Open woods, meadows, tundra

A delicate plant that grows from ½" to 6" high with tiny flowers on candelabra-like stems. Leaves grow in a basal rosette. The calyx (below the petals) is a narrow pointed cup. The plant is highly variable in size and height depending on the elevation, moisture and sun exposure where it is growing. arrow

Androsace septentrionalis


The photo above was taken at 8,000ft, the one at left at 12,000ft.

Photo taken on: July 5, 2013
Location: Cottonwood Pass, CO

Flora of North America reference.

Androsace occidentalis

Western Rock Jasmine
Androsace occidentalis

Family: Primrose (Primulaceae)
AKA: Western Fairy Candelabra
Photo taken on: April 5, 2018
Location: Abiquiu, NM
Life Zones: Plains and foothills
Habitat: Open meadows, sandy, gravelly soil

An even more delicate plant that grows to 4" with tiny flowers on candelabra-like stems and leaves in a basal rosette. This plant is barely 1" tall.  Distinguished from the Rock Jasmine above by growing at lower altitudes and having a broader bell-shaped calyx.

Flora of North America reference.

White/Cream Single Flowers