
White Anemone (2)

Anemone multifida

Pacific Anemone
Anemone multifida

Family: Buttercup (Ranunculaceae)
AKA: Cliff Anemone
Photo taken on: June 10, 2006
Location: Jack's Cabin Cutoff, GV, CO
Life Zones: Foothills to alpine
Habitat: Rocky soils and trail sides

Grows from 1 to 2 feet with deeply dissected leaves and flowers on long stalks. arrow

Anemone multifida

The fruit is round and woolly, then becomes a plume of seeds.

Anemone multifida

See Red Anemone for a red subspecies.

Flora of North America reference.

Anemone cylindrica

Candle Anemone
Anemone cylindrica

Family: Buttercup (Ranunculaceae)
AKA: Long-Head Thimbleweed, Windflower, Cottonweed
Photo taken on: July 19, 2021
Location: Almont, GV, CO
Life Zones: Foothills and foothills
Habitat: Open woods, prairies, road sides

Grows from 1 to 2 feet high with deeply cut leaves. Flowers grow on long stalks from a whorl of leaves. Distinguished by its cylindrical seed heads which elongate to over 1".

Flora of North America reference.

White/Cream Single Flowers