Tetradymia canescens

Tetradymia canescens

Family: Sunflower (Asteraceae)
AKA: Spineless Horsebrush, Gray Horsebrush
Photo taken on: August 16, 2009
Location: Almont Triangle, GV, CO
Life Zones: Foothills to montane
Habitat: Dry canyons, meadows, sagebrush

A shrub growing to 2 feet with very silvery leaves and bright yellow flowers. It could be mistaken for Sagebrush amongst which it grows but the leaves are not aromatic. Flower heads have four wooly phyllaries surrounding four flowers growing in a cluster at the top of the stem. arrow

Flora of North America reference.

Tetradymia canescens

Tetradymia canescens

Family: Sunflower (Asteraceae)
AKA: Spineless Horsebrush, Gray Horsebrush
Photo taken on: July 17, 2017
Location: Almont Triangle, GV, CO
Life Zones: Foothills to montane
Habitat: Dry canyons, meadows, sagebrush

This plant has woolly galls created as defense to the wooly polythalamous Bud Gall Midge, Phytophaga tetradymia.

Flora of North America reference.

Yellow Round Clusters