
Spurge (2)

Euphorbia myrsinites

Myrtle Spurge
Euphorbia myrsinites

Family: Spurge (Euphorbiaceae)
AKA: Creeping Spurge, Donkey Tail
Photo taken on: March 16, 2009
Location: White Rock, NM
Life Zones: Plains to montane
Habitat: Mesas, rocky slopes

Low growing to 15", usually sprawling, with spirals of fleshy blue-green leaves and milky sap. Tiny yellow flowers are inconspicuous and have four crescent-shaped horned glands surrounded by yellow petal-like bracts.

Flora of North America reference.


Cypress Spurge
Euphorbia cyparissias

Family: Spurge (Euphorbiaceae)
Photo taken on: May 18, 2010
Location: White Rock, NM
Life Zones: Foothills
Habitat: Fields and roadsides

Grows to 12" in a compact clump with milky sap and dense narrow dark green leaves on the stem. An escapee from cultivation. Flowers similar in form to Myrtle Spurge but tinier.

Flora of North America reference.


Yellow Round Clusters