Plant Families by Scientific Name

Below is a list of plant families by scientific name with the corresponding common name used in the Family List and on the detail pages. Click on the common name to go to the list of plants in the family.

In recent years there has been some quite drastic changes in the classification of the members of plant families and the families themselves. For example, the Penstemon genus has been moved to the Plantain family and Paintbrushes are now Broomrapes, the Agave, Goosefoot, Maple, Waterleaf and Wintergreen families have been absorbed into other families. Taxonomy is an evolving science; hard for an amateur to keep up with. Here is a list of changes affecting flora on this website. If you want to know more and see all the changes go to this Wikipedia article.

Adoxaceae Elderberry
Amaranthaceae Amaranth
Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis
Anacardiaceae Sumac
Apiaceae Parsley
Apocynaceae Dogbane
Asparagaceae Asparagus
Asteraceae Sunflower
Berberidaceae Barberry
Betulaceae Birch
Bignoniaceae Bignonia
Boraginaceae Borage
Brassicaceae Mustard
Cactaceae Cactus
Campanulaceae Bellflower
Cannabaceae Hemp
Caprifoliaceae Honeysuckle
Caryophyllaceae Pink
Celastraceae Staff Tree
Cleomaceae Cleome
Commelinaceae Spiderwort
Convolvulaceae Morning Glory
Cornaceae Dogwood
Crassulaceae Stonecrop
Cruciferae Mustard
Cucurbitaceae Gourd
Cupressaceae Cypress
Cyperaceae Sedge
Cystopteridaceae Bladder Fern
Dennstaedtiaceae Bracken
Dryopteridaceae Wood Fern
Elaeagnaceae Oleaster
Ephedraceae Jointfir
Ericaceae Heather
Equisetaceae Horsetail
Euphorbiaceae Spurge
Fabaceae Pea
Fagaceae Beech
Gentianaceae Gentian
Geraniaceae Geranium
Grossulariaceae Gooseberry
Hydrangeaceae Hydrangea
Hydrocharitaceae Frog's Bit
Iridaceae Iris
Juncaceae Rush
Juncaginaceae Arrowgrass
Lamiaceae Mint
Lemnaceae Duckweed
Lentihulariaceae Bladderwort
Liliaceae Lily
Linaceae Flax
Loasaceae Stickleaf
Malvaceae Mallow
Melanthiaceae False Hellebore
Montiaceae Miner's Lettuce
Nyctaginaceae Four O'Clock
Nymphaeaceae Waterlily
Oleaceae Olive
Onagraceae Evening Primrose
Orchidaceae Orchid
Orobanchaceae Broomrape
Oxalidaceae Wood Sorrel
Papaveraceae Poppy
Phrymaceae Lopseed
Pinaceae Pine
Pithophoraceae Green Algae
Plantaginaceae Plantain
Poaceae Grass
Polemoniaceae Phlox
Polygonaceae Buckwheat
Portulacaceae Purslane
Potamogetonaceae Pondweed
Primulaceae Primrose
Pteridaceae Maidenhair Fern
Ranunculaceae Buttercup
Rhamnaceae Buckthorn
Rosaceae Rose
Rubiaceae Madder
Rutaceae Rue
Salicaceae Willow
Santalaceae Sandalwood
Sapindaceae Soapberry
Sarcobataceae Greasewood
Saururaceae Lizard Tail
Saxifragaceae Saxifrage
Scrophulariaceae Figwort
Solanaceae Nightshade
Tamaricaseae Tamarisk
Typhaceae Cattail
Ulmaceae Elm
Urticaceae Nettle
Verbenaceae Verbena
Violaceae Violet
Vitaceae Grape
Zygophyllaceae Caltrop

Family List