Buffalo Grass (2)

Buchloe dactyloides

Buffalo Grass
Buchloe dactyloides

Family: Grass (Poaceae)
Photo taken on: September 6, 2011
Location: White Rock, NM
Life Zones: Plains and foothills
Habitat: Dry places, prairies, lawns

Grows to 5" with long runners that form a dense sod. Leaves are flat and grayish. Buffalo Grass is drought, heat and cold tolerant and is used as a lawn grass.arrow

Buffalo Grass


Male and female flowers are on separate plants.

Male flowers (on the right) grow to 8" and are like flags on the stem. Female flowers are bur-like and grow low in the grass.

Munroa squarrosa

False Buffalo Grass
Munroa squarrosa

Family: Grass (Poaceae)
Photo taken on: September 15, 2011
Location: White Rock, NM
Life Zones: Plains and foothills
Habitat: Dry open areas, disturbed soil

Grows in a mat with flowers hidden in the leaves. It has wiry runners with clusters of short spiky leaves at the nodes.

Munroa squarrosa

Grasses, Sedges & Rushes