
Panic Grass (2)

Panicum capillare

Panicum capillare

Family: Grass (Poaceae)
AKA: Common Panic Grass, Ticklegrass, Annual Witchgrass
Photo taken on: August 3, 2011
Location: White Rock, NM
Life Zones: Plains and foothills
Habitat: Disturbed areas

witchgrassGrows over 2ft tall with tiny flowers on many slender feathery branches. It can be bluish-green or purplish. Leaves are flat and broad. The flower head is in a leaf sheath and fans out into a large, open spray.

Panicum virgatum

Panicum virgatum

Family: Grass (Poaceae)
AKA: Tall Panic Grass, Wobsqua Grass, Blackbent, Wild Redtop,

Photo taken on: July 16, 2017
Location: Abiquiu, NM
Life Zones: Plains and foothills
Habitat: Moist pastures, roadsides

Grows in a tuft to 7 feet tall with flat narrow leaves to 2 feet long. The ligules, where the leaf joins the stem, have a dense fringe of hair. The flower head is a up to 20" long, spreading and branched with egg-shaped spikelets near the ends.

Grasses, Sedges & Rushes