Below is a list of plant families by scientific name with the corresponding common name used in the Family List and on the detail pages. Click on the common name to go to the list of plants in the family.
In recent years there has been some quite drastic changes in the classification of the members of plant families and the families themselves. For example, the Penstemon genus has been moved to the Plantain family and Paintbrushes are now Broomrapes, the Agave, Goosefoot, Maple, Waterleaf and Wintergreen families have been absorbed into other families. Taxonomy is an evolving science; hard for an amateur to keep up with. Here is a list of changes affecting flora on this website. If you want to know more and see all the changes go to this Wikipedia article.
Adoxaceae | Elderberry |
Amaranthaceae | Amaranth |
Amaryllidaceae | Amaryllis |
Anacardiaceae | Sumac |
Apiaceae | Parsley |
Apocynaceae | Dogbane |
Asparagaceae | Asparagus |
Asteraceae | Sunflower |
Berberidaceae | Barberry |
Betulaceae | Birch |
Bignoniaceae | Bignonia |
Boraginaceae | Borage |
Brassicaceae | Mustard |
Cactaceae | Cactus |
Campanulaceae | Bellflower |
Cannabaceae | Hemp |
Caprifoliaceae | Honeysuckle |
Caryophyllaceae | Pink |
Celastraceae | Staff Tree |
Cleomaceae | Cleome |
Commelinaceae | Spiderwort |
Convolvulaceae | Morning Glory |
Cornaceae | Dogwood |
Crassulaceae | Stonecrop |
Cruciferae | Mustard |
Cucurbitaceae | Gourd |
Cupressaceae | Cypress |
Cyperaceae | Sedge |
Cystopteridaceae | Bladder Fern |
Dennstaedtiaceae | Bracken |
Dryopteridaceae | Wood Fern |
Elaeagnaceae | Oleaster |
Ephedraceae | Jointfir |
Ericaceae | Heather |
Equisetaceae | Horsetail |
Euphorbiaceae | Spurge |
Fabaceae | Pea |
Fagaceae | Beech |
Gentianaceae | Gentian |
Geraniaceae | Geranium |
Grossulariaceae | Gooseberry |
Hydrangeaceae | Hydrangea |
Hydrocharitaceae | Frog's Bit |
Iridaceae | Iris |
Juncaceae | Rush |
Juncaginaceae | Arrowgrass |
Lamiaceae | Mint |
Lemnaceae | Duckweed |
Lentihulariaceae | Bladderwort |
Liliaceae | Lily |
Linaceae | Flax |
Loasaceae | Stickleaf |
Malvaceae | Mallow |
Melanthiaceae | False Hellebore |
Montiaceae | Miner's Lettuce |
Nyctaginaceae | Four O'Clock |
Nymphaeaceae | Waterlily |
Oleaceae | Olive |
Onagraceae | Evening Primrose |
Orchidaceae | Orchid |
Orobanchaceae | Broomrape |
Oxalidaceae | Wood Sorrel |
Papaveraceae | Poppy |
Phrymaceae | Lopseed |
Pinaceae | Pine |
Pithophoraceae | Green Algae |
Plantaginaceae | Plantain |
Poaceae | Grass |
Polemoniaceae | Phlox |
Polygonaceae | Buckwheat |
Portulacaceae | Purslane |
Potamogetonaceae | Pondweed |
Primulaceae | Primrose |
Pteridaceae | Maidenhair Fern |
Ranunculaceae | Buttercup |
Rhamnaceae | Buckthorn |
Rosaceae | Rose |
Rubiaceae | Madder |
Rutaceae | Rue |
Salicaceae | Willow |
Santalaceae | Sandalwood |
Sapindaceae | Soapberry |
Sarcobataceae | Greasewood |
Saururaceae | Lizard Tail |
Saxifragaceae | Saxifrage |
Scrophulariaceae | Figwort |
Solanaceae | Nightshade |
Tamaricaseae | Tamarisk |
Typhaceae | Cattail |
Ulmaceae | Elm |
Urticaceae | Nettle |
Verbenaceae | Verbena |
Violaceae | Violet |
Vitaceae | Grape |
Zygophyllaceae | Caltrop |