Manyflower Broomrape
Aphyllon ludovicianum (Orobanche ludoviciana)
Broomrape (Orobanchaceae)
Louisiana Broomrape, Sand-dune Broomrape
Photo taken on:
August 25, 2017
CR 142, Abiquiu, NM
Life Zones:
Plains and foothills
Open, sandy areas
Grows to a foot high with no leaves and many flowers in a dense, sticky hairy spike The tubular flowers are whitish with purple stripes and purple lips that are split into lobes. In the center are bright yellow anthers. The plant gets taller as it ages and the flowers turn brown. It is a parasite on plants in the Sunflower (Asteracea) family particularly Ragweed which was growing nearby.
Flora of North America reference.