Arrowleaf Sweet Coltsfoot
Petasites frigidus var. sagittatus (Petasites sagittatus)
Sunflower (Asteraceae)
Arctic Sweet Coltsfoot, Arctic Butterbur
Photo taken on:
July 17, 2017
Almont Resort, GV, CO
Life Zones:
Plains to montane
Wet to moist areas, pond edges,
stream banks
Grows with large arrow-shaped basal leaves on long stalks. Leaves are up to 12" long, toothed and are white-woolly underneath. Flowers are white to pinkish, have a sweet scent and are about ½" across. They grow in a cluster 3-4" across. Seed heads are fluffy white clusters of silky seeds.
The fleshy flower stalk grows to 8" high and blooms before the leaves. I observed the leaves and, before I had identified them, a good friend and I returned many times waiting for a bloom. I borrowed the images below until I see them for myself.
Flora of North America reference.