
Horehound (2)

Marrubium vulgare

Common Horehound
Marrubium vulgare

Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)
AKA: White Horehound
Photo taken on: July 28, 2008
Location: Wet Mountains, Eastern CO
Life Zones: Plains to foothills
Habitat: Fields, roadsides

Grows to 2ft with tiny, white flowers with two petals. Plant is erect and woolly.

Lycopus americanus

Water Horehound
Lycopus americanus

Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)
AKA: American Water Horehound, American Bugleweed
Photo taken on: August 17, 2013
Location: Abiquiu, NM
Life Zones: Plains to foothills
Habitat: Wet areas near slow-moving water

Grows to 2ft with the characteristic square stem of a mint but not aromatic leaves. The leaves are opposite and toothed. The tiny white flowers with lavender markings grow in a whorl around the stem in the leaf axis. Each flower has two stamens. In similar habitat, compare to Wild Mint  which has a distinct aroma and many long stamens.

White/Cream Round Clusters